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How to guard against mobile security threats

Do you know that, every year, the number of threats your phone encounters keeps increasing? 

Once your phone is hacked, your other devices may be next, if they are connected. That’s because your overall online security is only as strong as the weakest link in your chain of connected devices. Malware can spread from your hacked phone to your tablet or another mobile device through the network.

Mobile security threats may sound scary, but here are six steps you can take to help protect yourself from them.

Keep your software updated

Only 20 per cent of Android devices are running the newest version and only 2.3 per cent are on the latest release. Everything from your operating system to your social network apps are potential gateways for hackers to compromise your mobile device. Keeping software up to date ensures the best protection against most mobile security threats.

Choose mobile security. Just like computers, your mobile devices also need Internet security. Make sure to select mobile security software from a trusted provider and keep it up to date.

Install a firewall

Most mobile phones do not come with any kind of firewall protection. Installing a firewall provides you with much stronger protection against digital threats and allows you to safeguard your online privacy.

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Always use a passcode on your phone. Remember that loss or physical theft of your mobile device can also compromise your information.

Download apps from official app stores

Both the Google Play and Apple App stores vet the apps they sell; third-party app stores don’t always. Buying from well-known app stores may not ensure you never get a bad app, but it can help reduce your risk.

Always read the end-user agreement

Before installing an app, read the fine print. Grayware purveyors rely on your not reading their terms of service and allowing their malicious software onto your device.


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1 comment

Alexander Agboada December 22, 2020 at 12:52 pm

Great insight! One cannot be over-cautious when it comes to security


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